marți, 28 februarie 2012

Festival la Norwich cu pelicula „Actor”

Este singura producţie de cinema la care nu ai cum să te plictiseşti. De ce? Pentru că durează doar un singur minut.
Regizorul Andrei Scărlătescu a reuşit să atragă atenţia organizatorilor Festivalului de Film de la Norwich cu pelicula „Actor”.
„Actor" este un film parabolă având durata de un minut. Acesta este conceput pentru festivalurile internaţionale pentru filme de un minut. Am lucrat aproape două luni de la concepţie până la realizare (iunie-august 2011). Până în prezent, filmul a fost selecţionat la trei festivaluri internaţionale de film. Este vorba de Kinofest Bucureşti, octombrie 2011, Festivalul de la L'ille, Franţa şi acum festivalul de la Norwich, Marea Britanie”, ne-a spus artistul.

Filmul va fi vizionat la cinema Hollywood din Norwich în zilele de 30 şi 31 martie ac. Ca procedeu tehnic, Andrei Scărlătescu a folosit animaţia tradiţională pe hârtie şi un program specializat de animaţie „Digicel”.

Iată mai jos invitaţia trimisă de către organizatorii festivalului de film:

„Dear Andrei,
Your film, Actor, has been selected for inclusion in the 2012 Norwich Film Festival as part of the One Minute Movie section - to take place in March and April this year.
We will be officially announcing the line up on January 29th, but thought you would obviously appreciate forewarning. Bearing that in mind, would you please refrain from publicising the news until the above date.
While our official selection has now been finalised, we have not yet confirmed which OM will be chosen as the winner. Should yours be chosen, we will look to inform you, prior to publication, before the end of February.
The main dates for this year's festival are Friday 30th March and Saturday 31st March 2012. All films from our official selection will be screened on one of those dates, at the Hollywood Cinema, Norwich. When the line up has been finalised, we will confirm this with you to advise you of which day your film will be screened. Tickets will be on sale next month, please check our website for updates in the near future.
One last thing we would ask of you is for you to send us a digital press pack of any information you would like included in our official programme notes. This could include a synopsis of the film, biogs of the filmmakers involved, or pictures / stills from the film. While we can not guarantee all will be included, we will endeavour to include as much as possible, either online or in print.
Congratulations again, and we hope to see you at the festival this year”.

All the best,
Kellen Playford
Norwich Film Festival

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